Connecting local and global communities

What kind of activities does your unit do to benefit the local and global community?

 Willingly or not, we are inevitably involved in a network of relationships and connections with the rest of the world. At the same time, as Scouts and Guides, we are part of a worldwide movement shaped by people from different cultures and with different identities. Being aware of and open to these relationships at the unit level is the first step towards being able to use them for the benefit of society, both in our neighbourhood and in the world.


Discuss the questions and evaluate your unit: name what you already do, evaluate it on the scale 1-6 (1=just by accident, 6=systematicaly and frequently). Based on your answers, Compass will offer you some tips on how to improve.

Print the form to work off-line with your unit.

Does the local and global community benefit from your unit’s activities ?

As groups and as individuals, our actions impact others both in our communities and further afield. For example, buying Fairtrade supports farmers in other countries. We can also make a difference through local support of global campaigns, or through activities which help vulnerable people within our own communities.

This section encourages the competence

Scout and Guide leaders recognise that people, places, economies and environments are interconnected and mutually dependent. They understand that these interdependencies impact on relationships locally, globally, have been shaped by history and will shape the future. They are aware that everyday choices and actions have intended and unintended impacts on the lives of others and the environment both locally and globally.

Is the local and global community invited to participate in your unit’s activities?

Diverse opinions and perspectives enrich our lives and help us to better understand different cultures and ways of life. By meeting people from a range of backgrounds and hearing their stories, we equip ourselves to engage positively with people of other identities, cultures and backgrounds.

This section encourages the competence

Scout and Guide leaders recognise that we all have the same basic needs but that there are many ways of meeting them. They are aware that differences in gender, culture, class, nationality, religion, ethnicity, language and status are significant in shaping identity. They are open to engaging positively with other identities and cultures and appreciate that this can strengthen our collective response to the challenges of our complex world. They actively take action against any form of discrimination.

Does your unit actively work in partnership with other organisations – Scouts / Non-Scouts, locally / globally?

Our organisation has its own values and way of doing things. Sometimes it is good to broaden our horizons and learn about other organisations or Scouts from other countries, and see things (eg. justice, development) from their perspectives. It helps to understand the world in its complexity and to look for solutions that works for all.

This section encourages the competence

Scout and Guide leaders are aware that the way individual people see the world is constructed by various influences – political, social, cultural, economic and environmental. They explore different perspectives and their implications and pay attention to silent or opposing voices. They are aware that every perspective is incomplete and confident in re-evaluating their opinions. They are open to new ideas and approaches and recognise the importance of actively contributing and creating alternative and better futures.

These tasks are awaiting you

  • Beneficial events

    Involve members of your unit in a beneficial event in your municipality as volunteers/or organize it yourselves.

  • Support a global campaign

    Get inspired by international organizations like Amnesty International, SumofUs, or Avaaz - the world in action. Choose a topic you are interested in and learn about it. Support a global campaign by collecting signatures for petitions, writing letters, etc.

  • Play Tomato game

    Play a “Tomato game” with your fellow scouts/guides. Draw tomato in a middle of the big paper and then try to write/draw down as much associations with lines of connections as possible. Important thing that you must not miss is a discussion about the links while writing/drawing objects/things/connections. Raise awareness about interconnectedness of everything. You can replace tomato with something else.

  • Celebrate World Fair Trade day

    Organize an event to support farmers on Fair Trade Day. Everyone can brings some cake, cookies or any other food prepared using fairtrade or local stuff and spend nice day together with people from neighbourhood. Ten-step event guide for World Fair Trade Day.